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Fighting with Faith | 4 Week Study | A Study on the Book of Philippians

"Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

How can we find joy in suffering? What does it really look like to live so close to Christ that even our most difficult circumstances seem small in light of His goodness? Paul wrote the book of Philippians from prison to persecuted Christians on these very topics.

Fighting with Faith: A Study on the Book of Philippians is a four week study that will:

Help you fix your focus on Jesus in any and every circumstance

Teach you what it looks like to fight with faith in your everyday life

Explain the rich blessing all believers have of being united with Christ

Encourage you to live a life worthy of the blessings you’ve received in Christ

Special resources within study:

How to Study the Bible

The Attributes of God

Timeline of Scripture

Metanarrative of Scripture

Koinōnia Word Study

Christ Hymn

Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification Chart

Timeline of Paul’s Relationship with the Philippians

Chart of usage of the phrase “In Christ” in Philippians

What is the Gospel?

Key themes: Joy, Endurance, Fellowship, Contentment


This study is perfect for individuals or groups.

Each week contains five days of study material, including daily study questions, a weekly memory verse, and weekly reflection questions.

Measures 8X10

Includes 127 pages

Fighting with Faith | Philippians Study